How to create a website and own your online work
How to create a website quickly and easily to help set you up as a professional freelance medical writer.
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Welcome to this course module
What you will learn
Course assignment
You want to own your work
You will understand the internet better
How to get started
What is your domain?
How to choose your domain
How much is a domain?
What is a host and how do you choose one?
Create your first page
The 4 key pages you need
This course is for absolute beginners who have never had a website before.
Having your own website allows you to own your work, and gather all of your content in one place. You can customise your website however you like. And when people Google you they'll feel confident you are a professional if you have your own website.
You do not need to pay someone to make a website for you. In this course we show you how to do it yourself. The best part is you get to keep all your hard work!
Your teacher for this course
Boost your presence on LinkedIn by optimising your LinkedIn profile. Learn how to connect, message people, write posts and find recruiters or clients.
Find out how to create a medical writing portfolio to help you get into medical writing, get clients or switch career.
Learn where to search for clients, what messages you should send them, and how to negotiate a contract to get work as a freelance medical writer.