How to find clients as a freelance medical writer
Learn where to search for clients, what messages you should send them, and how to negotiate a contract to get work as a freelance medical writer.
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Welcome to this course module
What you will learn
Key takeaways
Put yourself first
How to treat your client audience
Write like nobody is watching you
Making final improvements
Somebody had to say it...
Remember your unique selling point!
Remember not to do this
Summary of key points
What does it mean to pitch an article?
Benefits of pitching an article
Focus on this
Avoid the waffle trap!
How to tailor your pitch
How to demonstrate your experience
Avoid this when you pitch...
...Only send this!
Snappy subject lines
How to hook them in 2 sentences
What other benefits can you offer?
An example pitch
Analysis of example pitch
Don’t start your outreach emails with ‘Hello, hope you are well’ Don’t start them with ‘I think I can help you with…’ Are you a medical writer (or any type of freelancer) looking to get more clients? Stop making the mistakes above. I’ve ...
Read MoreDon’t start your outreach emails with ‘Hello, hope you are well’ Don’t start them with ‘I think I can help you with…’ Are you a medical writer (or any type of freelancer) looking to get more clients? Stop making the mistakes above. I’ve had email outreach campaigns that send hundreds of emails per day all start with ‘Hello, how are you?’ Or ‘Hello, hope you are well’ Time to go back to the drawing board with them! This advice from Hass and Virginia was a real wake up call that forced me to review my outreach emails. Don’t know how to send an outreach email? They’ve got a template for that as well. Another key takeaway for me from the course was that if you’re working in medical writing as healthcare professional - remember that being a healthcare professional helps you stand out. Some of the people applying won’t have any background in healthcare. Use the time you spent on the wards to your advantage, no matter what role you’re applying for.
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Boost your presence on LinkedIn by optimising your LinkedIn profile. Learn how to connect, message people, write posts and find recruiters or clients.
Find out how to create a medical writing portfolio to help you get into medical writing, get clients or switch career.
Learn where to search for clients, what messages you should send them, and how to negotiate a contract to get work as a freelance medical writer.