3 rockin' reasons to enrol

Here's what makes our courses a cut above the rest and a perfect fit for you.

  • Get feedback from your teacher - ask any questions at any time, and get detailed feedback on your portfolio.

  • Super short videos - so you can learn anywhere, any time, and take action to build that portfolio in a few hours.

  • Lifetime access - so you get access to all new content, including the answers to questions that other students have asked.

  • Smash that job application

    Use your medical writing portfolio to support your applications to medical writing jobs or freelance work.

  • Let your portfolio do the talking for you

    Clients love to see your work so they have an idea of what skill level is and if you produce writing they are looking for.

  • Get clients even while you sleep

    Your portfolio should be easy to view 24/7 by everyone in the world. You might wake up to an email from a client who wants to work with you.

Course curriculum

    1. Welcome to this course module

    2. What you will learn

    3. Course assignment

    4. Resources

    1. What is a medical writing portfolio?

    1. Part 1: What to include in your portfolio

    2. Part 2: What to include in your portfolio

    3. Part 3: What to include in your portfolio

    4. Part 4: What to include in your portfolio

    1. How to lay out your portfolio

    2. Options for creating your portfolio

    3. Online portfolios

    4. LinkedIn

    1. Tip 1: How to make your medical writing portfolio stand out

    2. Tip 2: How to make your medical writing portfolio stand out

    3. Tip 3: How to make your medical writing portfolio stand out

    4. Tip 4: How to make your medical writing portfolio stand out

    1. Part 1: What is a live portfolio

    2. Part 2: What is a live portfolio

About this course

  • £99.00
  • 40 lessons

Pop open a professional portfolio

Find out how today, why wait?


Your teacher for this course

Virginia Chachati

A pharmacist turned medical writer with tremendous experience in creating courses and educating new and upcoming medical writers. Highlights include writing for the NHS, YouTube Health, World Health Organization (WHO), online doctors and producing award-winning website copy for a hospital in Central London. She also created Medical Writer Magazine and the Medical Writing Uncut podcast with over 50 episodes interviewing medical writers from all over the world. She creates health information for patients and the public as Pharmacist Virginia on YouTube.