Course curriculum

    1. Welcome to this course module

    2. What you will learn and resources

    1. What is SEO

    2. Why do you need to know SEO

    3. Helpful websites for SEO

    4. Easiest way to maintain SEO

    1. SEO pyramid part 1

    2. SEO pyramid part 2

    3. Search demand curve

    1. Marketing funnels

    2. TOFU

    3. MOFU

    4. BOFU

    5. Loyalty

    1. What is link building

    2. Different types of links

    1. On page SEO part 1

    2. On page SEO part 2

    3. Off page SEO part 1

    4. Off page SEO part 2

    5. Off page vs on page SEO summary

About this course

  • £99.00
  • 49 lessons
  • 1 hour of video content


Your teacher for this course

Virginia Chachati

A pharmacist turned medical writer and health video creator. Since 2021, she has been educating healthcare professionals to become medical writers and health video creators. Highlights include writing for the NHS, YouTube Health, World Health Organization (WHO), online doctors and producing award-winning website copy for a hospital in Central London. She also created Medical Writer Magazine and the Medical Writing Uncut podcast with over 50 episodes interviewing medical writers from all over the world. She creates health information for patients and the public as Pharmacist Virginia on YouTube and is an evidence checker for health information pages.

Hass Thwaini

A specialist clinical pharmacist turned medical writer, honing close-to-a-decade of experience within the healthcare industry. Hassan has worked with a number of healthcare brands, from small independent clinics to world-leading pharmaceutical companies.